It's been another busy week for Year 1 at Grange Infant School.
In maths, we started to learn about coins in the unit of money. We learnt to recognise 1p, 2p, 5p, and 10p coins and discussed the value of each coin. We are learning more about coins in the week ahead.
In Science, we recapped the five main animal groups - mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish and discussed why humans are classed as mammals. We then looked at the main body parts of the human body, including the head, neck, ears, face, legs, and so forth. As part of our active learning, we worked outside on the playground in groups of 3 to draw the outline of our bodies with chalk and then label our main body parts. Our challenge was to guess the correct body part by solving clues about it.
We also celebrated World Music Day. Firstly, we had a pupil concert in the hall and made our teachers very proud with our performance of Imagination. After, we performed a range of songs for our grown-ups. A big thank you to everyone who was able to come and support us. We hope you enjoyed the event.
We still have a number of 50 reads books that have not been returned. Could you please have a look at home and check if you have any that need to come back and send them in with your child at the soonest possible date? Thank you for your help and support in this.
In the week ahead, we will be going on our school trip to Noah's Ark Farm. We will share more about our day out in our blog next week!