
Grange Infant School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


Our School Curriculum

We believe that every child shouldn’t just fly, but soar! That their ambition to achieve should be boundless. Therefore, our curriculum is designed to enable all children to be able to reach their full potential.

Our curriculum is spiral where we explore, embed and extend skills taught across all subjects. It is experience and language rich which is lead through a high-quality text approach for each year group. The knowledge and skills we teach our children go hand in hand to enable them to have a broader understanding across all subjects.

Woven through this approach, we have 5 curriculum drivers that we instil in our children:

  • Curiosity
  • Love for reading
  • Risk taking
  • Empathetic
  • Imaginative

We have identified the barriers to learning that many of our children face and as a result, we have ensured that our core values are woven through our curriculum to ensure that we build the whole child. Our core values are:

  • Respect
  • Perseverance
  • Happiness
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Independence

We develop our values through:

  • A clear program of school assemblies
  • Direct teaching and class discussion
  • Staff and pupil modelling of the values
  • Displays linked to our values
  • Termly newsletters home to parents

Curriculum Intent

Text led, Language Rich Approach

Our intent is for all children to develop a love for reading in order for them to have a passion to read widely and expand their imagination. High-quality text expose children to adventurous vocabulary which deepens their language skills. Questioning is at the heart of all subjects and children are empowered with the language to ask questions, voice opinions and express their emotions.

Experience Rich Approach

Our intent is for every child to be curious, imaginative and foster a thirst for learning through the experiences we provide. This enables our children to explore the wider world which compliments the lessons and ensures our children have the cultural capita they need to succeed in life.

Curriculum Implementation

Explore – Embed – Extend

With our Early Years Framework and National Curriculum as our starting points, we shape our curriculum so that it evolves as the children grow socially, emotionally and academically. We understand the importance of immersing children in concrete, meaningful experiences before they are able to move onto a more abstract approach. Therefore, our curriculum enables children to explore, embed and extend their knowledge and skills.

Text led, Language Rich Approach

High quality texts are used at the heart of learning. These are used to promote a love for reading, provide a wealth of vocabulary and expand imagination. Teachers explicitly plan vocabulary linked to the text or subject that the children are being exposed to. Sentence stems are used to enable children to effectively communicate and extend their learning. Questioning in the classroom by both teachers and pupils opens conversations and stokes curiosity.

Experience Rich

Experiences are carefully planned to enhance our overarching themes and the needs of the children within our community. As well as the highest quality teaching and learning we provide our children with the opportunities to:

  • Visit places outside of Swindon
  • Take part in Forest Schools
  • Visit the local Library
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • Grow fruit and vegetables
  • Showcase learning in a termly event
  • Take on extra responsibility
  • Perform in front of an audience
  • Raise money for charity
  • Raise awareness of global issues
  • Take part in sports festivals
  • Learn about different countries and cultures
  • In school visitors and experiences
  • Range of sporting events
  • Learn about different roles in society
  • Prepare nutritious meals


Early Years

Our school fully supports the principle that young children learn through play. We ensure children have access to well-planned environment which provoke learning and language. This stimulates interests and meets the needs of all pupils through innovation and exciting learning opportunities. EYFS staff are experts at promoting discussion and developing children’s vocabulary within child initiated learning and adult lead activities.

Key Stage 1

Whilst the children move into Key Stage 1, the fundamental principles of our curriculum does not change but evolves over time into a more abstract approach. The environment continues to play a vital role in facilitating and embedding learning when the children are working independently. When the children move into Year 1, the delivery of the curriculum reflects that of Reception, but with a gradual increase of teacher – directed input involving whole class teaching as well as highly focussed small group learning activities.

An important part of our curriculum is in ensuring the children are well prepared for the next stage of their educational journey, and this is carefully considered when designing our approach in Year 2. As Year 2 progresses, the children become developmentally ready to access a more abstract approach to learning. We continue to ensure that he children have the opportunity to explore and embed new learning using their creativity and individuality. Previous knowledge is built upon whilst using new skills to demonstrate their mastery of the subject. As a result, children move on to Junior school with confidence in their own knowledge and skills and the ability to apply these to a Key Stage 2 curriculum.

Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum effectiveness is captured through:

  • Pupils discussions with Teachers, Subject Leaders and Senior Leaders about their learning
  • Detailed data analysis of core subjects
  • Regular pupil progress meetings
  • Teacher and pupil AFL and AOL
  • Teacher reflections on planned outcomes
  • Clear assessment timetable for all subjects
  • Celebrating children’s learning through assemblies and displays
  • Sampling children’s learning across the school to determine progress and attainment

Children’s version

Subject Curriculum in a Nutshell

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*In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 section 71, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of RE and acts of collective worship on religious grounds. Parents should make their wishes known to the Headteacher who will ensure that any pupils who are withdrawn are appropriately supervised while the act of collective worship / RE lesson takes place. Pupils can be withdrawn wholly or partly from acts of collective worship only by parents.