What a week it has been in Year 1!
Not only did we celebrate Anti-bullying week, but we also marked Children In Need 2023 with our spotty outfits.
Apart from these celebrations, we also learned a lot in our daily lessons.
In Maths, we continued our learning journey by partitioning 7 and learning the addition facts for 7.
As part of Literacy, we planned, orally rehearsed and then retold the story of Arthur the whale, based on our class book - Dear Greenpeace. We will follow this next week by writing our own adventure story to add our own twist to the ending of the book. Skills we are including in our writing, include exclamation marks and 'and' to join words.
Our favourite part of the week was the local walk we had around Stratton as part of our learning about maps in Geography. After the walk, we drew our own local maps and added symbols and keys to interpret them.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope to see you at the Maths open morning next week.
The Year 1 team