We have had a super last week of term 3 with lots of exciting events. Jeffers class were lucky to have a special visitor on Monday. As part of our Science learning on animals, Roen's mum brought in their pet snake 'Fluffy' to help us understand more about reptiles. Butterworth will meet Fluffy the snake next term.

Our DT this term has focused on making bread. The children tested products, designed and made their own rolls and then evaluated them. They looked and smelt amazing. We have used purple mash paint program in computing. The children learnt the skills to create a picture inspired by the Great Fire of London.

To finish gymnastics this term, we had the large apparatus out. The children climbed, jumped, rolled and performed excellently.

Our Phonics this week has focused on these graphemes - ui ou (yoo and oo) as in fruit and group. We have also revised all the graphemes for ee - ee, e-e, ea, y, ie, e and ey. We have practised all the tricky words from this term - water want any many again could would should who whole where two ask Mr Mrs Ms school call different people your their thought through friend work. Please look out for these.