Year 1 had an inspiring start to the first week of term with an immersion into our book 'Dear Greenpeace'.
After discussing who Greenpeace are and what they stand for, we thought more about why looking after our planet is important to us and how we can each help to do our bit to save the planet for future generations. As part of our activities, the children wrote acrostic poems using the word 'Earth'. They also worked in groups to create whales with bottle tops for our termly displays. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our collection of bottle tops for this.
In Science this week, we focused on the Seasons. The children learned that we are now moving into Summer and how Summer is different to the other seasons. As part of our learning, the children explored how shadows change over time by drawing and then measuring their shadows every hour to see the changes. They really got stuck into this activity. Please ask them to share more of what they learned with you at home.
Thank you for the numerous offers to help on our school trip on 27th June. We appreciate your support. Due to the amount of offers, we could only choose a number of parents at random to accompany us on the day. We are in the process of contacting everyone who has offered to confirm the details.