EYFS trip
This week the children in EYFS have been set the challenge of walking to Aldi to purchase some…

Reception Transition Day (Current Rosen Class)
This week, Rosen class spent two days in their new Year 1 classroom - Robbins class - where they…

Reception Transition Day (Current Ahlberg Class)
Ahlberg Class - What a great couple of days, the new Murphy class have had! We began Wednesday by…

Reception Term 6 Week 2
This week in Reception we have been busy practicing writing sentences using our phonics. We have…

EYFS Update
EYFS update: This week we took a very exciting walk across Stratton to the local garden centre to…

Reception Term 5 Week 4
This week we went to the field for our spring hunt welly walk. We were hunting minibeasts and…

Reception Term 5 Week 3
After planting our seeds last week, we have been caring for them and watching for any progress -…

Reception Term 5 Week 2
This week in Reception, we have started to plant different seeds and beans ready to watch them…

Reception Term 4 Week 5
This term in reception we have been learning about space. We were super impressed with the…

Reception Term 4 Week 4
This week we visited our local Fire Station. As part of understanding different jobs and our…

Reception Class Update - Chinese New Year Celebrations
This term we have been learning lots about different cultures and traditions around the world.…

Reception Class Update - Term 3 Week 6
In Reception, we have continued to learn about different cultures and traditions around the world.…