On the 18th of January our Year 1 Classes will be performing a live drumming demonstrations for their parents and carers.


At Grange Infants, we are always looking for new and exciting ways to engage our pupils. That is why we have held Drumming lessons every Wednesday morning this year. Through these lessons Year 1 was taught how to play the African drum; they have learnt all about rhythm, teamwork, and various drumming techniques. The Year 1 children have enjoyed learning these new skills and it has been a pleasure watching them grow in confidence.


Now the time has come for them to demonstrate the skills they have acquired over the past two terms. On the 18th of January, we will be hosting a live drumming performance from our year 1 classes. Each class will have separate time slots:


.10.15am - Potter Class

.10.45am - Jeffers Class

.11.15am - Butterworth Class


Each Class will only be performing at their designated times so if you are a parent who is attending you must ONLY COME to your child's performance. We are more than happy for parents to attend these performances in school however if you are not able to attend in person we will be hosting a Crowdcast. To access Crowdcast please talk to a member of staff prior to the event.


This will be a fantastic event for both our pupils and their parents and we are looking forward to seeing you all!