Year 1 kicked off the term with an Immersion into our new class book - Dear Greenpeace. The children wrote acrostic poems based on the words 'Earth' and 'Whale' and also an Earth Promise, saying in which ways they will help to look after the world. Our Art project was to make 2D whales for our display boards, out of bottle caps. Then we all had a go at drawing whales from scratch.
In the afternoon, we had fun at the Halloween Disco organised for us by FOGS.A big thank you to the FOGS ladies who made this possible. We had a great time!
Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to come into school to celebrate Halloween and reading with the children on Tuesday the 31st. The children spent the morning planning and writing their own spooky stories, which they loved sharing with you. As always, we appreciate your support.
On Friday, each class made their own rain guage as part of learning about the seasons. This will enable us to measure how much rain we get every week. See if you can make your own rain guage at home using a 2litre plastic bottle. We'd love to hear about what you find out.
The tricky words we are focusing on this week, are 'said', 'like', 'you' and 'have'. Please see where you can spot these in your daily life to help the children recognise and remember them.
Thank you, as always for your support.
The Year 1 Team