It was World Art day on the 15th April 2024. This is a day to celebrate and to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art. World Art day is an international celebration of fine arts and artists from around the world and was first established by the International Association of Art for create awareness of creativity that takes place around the world. The day is to support and encourage new artists so they can express themselves and their style through their art. Also, to celebrate past artists and their creations.

That date was chosen on the date given because it was also the birthday of one of the most famous artists in history, Leonardo da Vinci. 

Our day at Grange Infants school started with an assembly with the whole school to learn about World art day and the artists that the children focused on in the day. We also looked at the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds. It is an inspiring story of self-expression and creativity which shows there is creative spirit in everyone and encourages even the uncreative among us to make a mark and follow where it takes us. Each child will create their own dot based on their own creativity which will form a whole school display in the hall once finished.

For the rest of the day, the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 looked at celebrated artists around the world today and recreated their own versions of the artists work. Reception placed their own spin on a British artist, Damien Hirst, where they focused on his spot painting art which is made up of rows of randomly coloured circles to create images. Year 1 focused on Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist, who created a very famous piece of art work on concentric circles which the children in Year 1 recreated. In Year 2, the children focused on Alma Thomas, an African-American artist, who created powerful, abstract paintings using colour, lines and dots.