Year 2's Royal Start

Year 2 began the new term with a regal twist! We kicked off the week with a day of kings and queens. The children made their own ornate crowns adorned with jewels, glitter, and more. In the afternoon, we indulged in a royal garden tea party, complete with scrumptious treats like strawberries, crisps, biscuits, and cucumber sticks. It was truly a delightful afternoon!


Later in the week, the children delved into the realm of King Charles III and his vital responsibilities in governing the country. They had the opportunity to distinguish between the tasks the King would undertake, such as inaugurating special events, and those he wouldn't, such as teaching Walliams, Dahl, or Morpurgo class daily.


All the discussions about kings and queens have left us eagerly anticipating our upcoming visit to Windsor Castle in a fortnight.