What a great start back to school! The children have settled really well into Year 1. To begin, we started our learning about toys from the past by making our own sock puppets, which the children really enjoyed making and using. During our lessons, some of the children had a visit from some 'Quiet Critters'. These are little creatures that like to come out and watch the children when they are working quietly but if it gets too noisy, they run away back to their cosy tin.
We were lucky to begin this week with a visit from a football free-styler. He was able to show us many amazing skills which we were then able to try out. It was a little tricky but we all had a good go. As part of our science learning, we visited Stanton Park. We explored the park looking for signs of Autumn. We collected different things that we found and took these back to class to discuss further. At the school, we adopted a tree so could observe how it changes throughout the whole year in the different seasons. Thank you again to those parents who attended the trip - it was much appreciated.