Free-Style Football

Grange Infants had a wonder start to the week beginning 11th September, with Jamie Knight, who is in the top 10 in the world free-style footballer. Jamie wowed our children with his skills and career highlights in an action-packed assembly. Even the children and staff got involved and show cased their skills with the help from Jamie.

Jamie has a range of career highlights and achievements from being a 2 x Guinness World Record Holder, being the UEFA EURO 2020 global mascot, performing on the pitch at the 2017 Champions League Final, to starring in a commercial with Lionel Messi and being on Britain’s Got Talent. Jamie has the manta of ‘Passion and hard work = Success’. His career certainly shows how much hard work he has put into free style football and his passion for teaching others.

Each class from Reception to Year 2 then had a 40 minute session with Jamie who taught them a range of different skills. Jamie has a range of key ingredients for success which he instils throughout his sessions with the children. These are:

  • Keep your options open and experiment.
  • When you find your passion, practice and train hard.
  • Take risks.
  • Set goals but enjoy the process.

Remember: Passion and hard work = success.