T1 W3

Year 2’s Visit to Windsor Castle

On Monday 18th September we went on our eagerly anticipated trip to Windsor Castle. The children had the most amazing time.  They were able to learn more about King Charles III and make links with what they had already learnt about Kings and Queens.

Whilst at the Castle we had a very busy day where we visited St George’s Chapel and we got to see where King George Vl, Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip are buried. This was very moving and significant for the children as this is the death of both Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth ll is within their living memory. The children were extremely respectful and their behaviour was a credit to the school.  We also visited the State Apartments that are today used by the Royal Family. We walked up the amazing grand staircase and the children were in awe of all the gold, the chandeliers, the beautiful ceilings and paintings and just how huge and splendid everything was. It gave then an understanding of what a castle and palace fit for a King/Queen really looks like. 

We also had the chance to look at Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House which was beautiful. We got to see the miniature rooms filled with tiny furniture, books and lights.

Finally we had a workshop where we learnt more about King Charles lll. Here we were able to show what we had been learning at school. We learnt about King Charles lll’s interests, where he lives, his royal duties and we acted out the coronation ceremony.

Unfortunately King Charles was not present at the Castle that day, we know this because the royal flag was not flying but the day was just perfect!