It was European day of Languages on the 26th September and the whole of Grange Infants School celebrated the day by exploring different countries. Reception explored Spain, Year 1 explored France and Year 2 explored Italy. The purpose of the day is to learn all about different European Countries, the importance of learning a new language, celebrating and learning about different cultures. It is really important to learn new languages and about their countries traditions as it helps both children and adults meet new people, make new friends and learn more about their countries. It also helps us if we visit other countries where that language is spoken.


Reception children started their day learning how to say hello and goodbye in Spanish. They were end able to practise this throughout the day and were able to greet members of staff and their friends using ‘Hola’. The children recreated the Spanish flag and tried lots of different foods from Spain which they thought were yummy. It was a real hands on experience for the children to learn all about Spain which they loved.


Year 1

Year 1 had a great day celebrating France as part of Day of European Languages on Tuesday 26th September. The children walked into the classroom to some traditional French accordion music to create a French atmosphere. They started their celebrations by learning a few French lines to teach us to greet others and introduce ourselves. Then we created some French flag art. After that, we learnt to count in French up to ten and used our new skills to play French Number Bingo. This was a big hit! 


After learning the names of some colours, we coloured in a picture using the French colour names. In the afternoon, we created some Eiffel Tower inspired art and tasted some French food, including Pain au Chocolate, Brioche, chocolate filled crepe and baguette slices with French brie and Boursain cheese.


It was all a great introduction to the culture and language of France and all the children enjoyed the day immensely.


Year 2

Year 2 started the day by learning the Italian language through songs. The children learnt numbers, colours and the days of the week. They also learnt how to say hello.


The children had a pizza workshop after this and made their own pizzas and chose their own toppings. They then got to taste their creations which they thought were delicious. Afterwards, the children took part in a quiz on Italy on cahoot and then used this information to create their own fact files on Italy.


In the afternoon, the children explored the use of collage as well as using a mosaic app on the ipad to recreate the Spanish flag. This was all done while listening to Italian music. It was a fabulous way to introduce the children to the Italian culture.